蓝宝石 Radeon HD 5830 Extreme(1)

2011-04-26 14:41

This morning Sapphire Technology is announcing a new Radeon graphics card. It's not though part of the Radeon HD 6000 series that has recently seen the launch of the Radeon HD 6790 or even the Radeon HD 6450, but rather it's a Cypress-based part. Yes, as in the Radeon HD 5800 series. This new graphics card is the Sapphire Radeon HD 5830 Extreme and it has designed to deliver the best performance for the ~$120 USD price point. Here is our look at this new graphics card with accompanying Linux benchmarks.
今天上午(四月12日),蓝宝石科技发布了一款新的 Radeon 显卡。不过不属于 Radeon HD 6000 系列。最近发布了 Radeon HD 6790 还有 Radeon HD 6450,但这次发布的是 Cypress 中的一个。是的,它是 Radeon HD 5800 系列中的一个。新显卡为蓝宝石 Radeon HD 5830 Extreme,意在为用户提供 120 美元附近的最佳选择。在这里我们对新显卡进行 Linux 方面的评测。

The Radeon HD 5830 graphics processor was originally introduced by AMD back in February of 2010, but Sapphire is launching their new Extreme version of this "Cypress LE" graphics card at a time when the costs are down as the Radeon HD 6000 series is becoming mainstream. Sapphire says this HD 5830 re-launch will be exclusive to them and that they have obtained aggressive prices. This new graphics card has DVI / HDMI / DisplayPort outputs to support three displays via Eyefinity, 1GB of video RAM, a new heatpipe-based cooling solution, optimized voltage regulation circuitry, etc.
AMD 最初推出 Radeon HD 5830 显卡是在 2010 年二月,但是当 Radeon HD 6000 正在成为主流时,蓝宝石推出新的 “Cypress LE” Extreme 显卡。蓝宝石说将以新的价格重新发布这款 HD 5830 显卡。这款新显卡带有 DVI / HDMI / DisplayPort 接口,支持三显示器拼接、1G 显存、新的热管散热器、优化电路电压等等。

Sapphire views this Radeon HD 5830 Extreme as a compelling offer since its performance is said to be superior to NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 550 while it costs less than a GeForce GTX 560 as being their mid-range competition. In other words, a great price vs. performance ratio at $129 USD. The Sapphire Radeon HD 5830 Extreme is actually coming in cheaper than the existing Radeon HD 5830 cards from AMD's other AIB partners that are retailing on average for more than $150 USD at major Internet retailers.
蓝宝石认为 Radeon HD 5830 Extreme 显卡要强于 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 ,而它的价格低于 GeForce GTX 560 的平均价格。换句话说,一个比较高的价格 vs 129 美元带来的高性能。蓝宝石 Radeon HD 5830 实际的价格会比其它 AIB 生产的显卡要便宜,他们的显卡平均价格在 150 美元左右。

The GPU itself is effectively the same as what's been shipping since last year with it being a 40nm ASIC that supports OpenGL 3.2 / DirectX 11, Eyefinity, ATI Stream, PCI Express 2.0, 256-bit GDDR5 video memory, HDMI 1.3, CrossFireX compatible, OpenCL 1.0, and UVD2 / Avivo HD. The GPU has an 800MHz clock with 4000MHz memory clock.
GPU 本身与一年前发布的一致,使用 40nm 制程、支持 OpenGL 3.2 / DirectX 11、Eyefinity 技术、ATI Stream、PCI Express 2.0、256 位 GDDR5 显存、HDMI 1.3 接口、CrossFireX、OpenCL 1.0、UVD2 / Avivo HD。GPU 具有 800MHz 时钟频率和 4000MHz 内存频率。

The packaging for the Sapphire Radeon HD 5830 was similar to that of Sapphire's other products. Included with the PCI Express graphics card was a Windows driver CD, Sapphire Select Club card, a brief user's manual, a VGA to DVI dongle, and two molex to 6-pin PCI Express power adapters.
蓝宝石 Radeon HD 5830 的包装和蓝宝石的其它产品很相像。包装内有一张显卡、一张 Windows 的驱动光盘、一张蓝宝石会员卡、一本手册、一个 VGA to DVI 转接头、两个 6pin 电源接头。

Sapphire's Radeon HD 5830 graphics card does not follow AMD's reference design as far as the cooler goes. Sapphire is shipping the HD 5830 Extreme with a heatpipe-based dual-slot cooler that is similar to the cooling solution they are using on their Radeon HD 6800 series graphics cards. The fan on this heatsink comprised of triple heatpipes and aluminum fins is very quiet and its speed is dynamically adjusted based upon load. The Radeon HD 5830 requires dual six-pin PCI Express power connectors for supplying enough power to this mid-range graphics card.
蓝宝石 Radeon HD 5830 显卡是一款非公版显卡。蓝宝石 HD 5830 Extreme 采用热管散热器,整个显卡占用两个插槽,就像 Radeon HD 6800 系列显卡一样。显卡使用三热管风冷散热,非常安静,风扇的转速根据负载调节。这款 Radeon HD 5830 需要两个 6pin 供电接口来提供这款中档显卡。

The Radeon HD 5830 is CrossFireX-compatible, but there are not too many Linux games/applications that can properly take advantage of this distributed multi-card rendering support. The 1GB of GDDR5 memory is comprised of Elpida W1032BABG-50-F ICs.
这款显卡支持 CrossFireX,但是 Linux 下没有多少游戏支持多显卡渲染。1GB GDDR5 内存来自 Elpida W1032BABG-50-F ICs。

Mini DisplayPort, HDMI, and dual-link DVI are the three outputs on this graphics card. All three outputs can be utilized simultaneously with Eyefinity Technology as long as there is a DisplayPort monitor attached or an active adapter (as opposed to a passive adapter to a DVI display). The second expansion slot provides sufficient means of exhaust for Sapphire's heatsink.
显卡带有迷你 DisplayPort、HDMI、两个 DVI 接口。使用 Eyefinity 技术必须使用 DisplayPort 接口连接到一台使用 DisplayPort 接口的显示器上(不是使用 DVI 转接口)。第二个扩展槽被显卡的热管散热器占用。


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